.. _absolute_beginner: Getting started for the absolute python beginner ================================================ Before running FRETBursts you need to install a python distribution that includes the Jupyter/IPython Notebook application. You can find a quick guide for installing the software and running your first notebook here: - |jupyter_quick_guide| .. |jupyter_quick_guide| raw:: html Jupyter/IPython Notebook Quick Start Guide Once you are able start Jupyter Notebook application and open a notebook you can move to the next section. Installing FRETBursts --------------------- To install FRETBursts, make sure you close Jupyter Notebook, then type the following commands in a terminal (i.e. ``cmd`` on Windows or ``Terminal`` on OSX):: conda install fretbursts -c conda-forge The installation should take a few seconds. If you notice any error please report it by opening a new issue on the `FRETBursts GitHub Issues `_. Running FRETBursts tutorial notebook ------------------------------------ Download the ZIP file of `FRETBursts notebooks `__ and extract it inside a folder accessible by the Jupyter Notebook App. Next, in the new Jupyter Notebook Dashboard click on the folder containing the FRETBursts notebooks. For first time users, we recommend to start from the notebook: - `FRETBursts - us-ALEX smFRET burst analysis `__ and follow the instructions therein. Remember, to run the notebooks step-by-step (one cell a time) keep pressing *shift + enter*. To run the entire notebook in a single step click on menu *Cell -> Run All*. For more info how to run/edit a notebook see |run_notebook|. .. |run_notebook| raw:: html Running the Jupyter Notebook